Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ingvar Kampradi: Wealthy Man, Frugal Man, Entrepreneur Extraordinair

Introduction Ingvar Kamprad, Swedish born citizen and founder and former CEO of Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd and Agunnaryd or better known as IKEA. Kamprad created a one of a kind furniture company that has become the largest furniture store in the world. The uniqueness is because they company specializes in everything being able to be broken down and shipped, â€Å"from furniture to the now famous mobile kitchens- could be packed in flat, stackable boxes (Nelson and Quick, 2011-438)†. His way of running the company is based on creativity, hard work and being frugal in his own life as well as the way he runs his company.So frugal that when employees travel they must share hotel rooms, a policy not carried in any major company. The philosophies that he has developed for IKEA are distinctive and have provided a successful way of being very profitable. Kamprad’s leadership characteristics have made him a very wealthy entrepreneur and admirable person but with a dark past. A pas t that he does not deny but states that he has learned from this and according to some has a message to send to other that carries great wisdom. Issues Addressed Kamprad’s company IKEA has been on the rise along with that his personal problems also increased.Alcoholism, his history of Nazi affiliation, and store openings where people died were his biggest problems. Even during his personal problems he never failed to provide creativity for IKEA and to make sure the company was on the right track. He always found a way to lead his company in the direction to be successful despite his personal life. His appreciation for what it takes to be successful and the knowledge that he realizes â€Å"there are no guarantees to economic success tomorrow apart from hard work (Nelson and Quick, 2011-438). Answering the Questions 1. Kamprad is the manager of IKEA, while he is not the CEO he still continues to run the company. He is always trying to create any new ideas, and develop philosop hies to make the company better for their customers and employees. Kamprad is a leader because: he does not sit around pointing fingers and collecting money, but he is out there working to make IKEA a better company every chance he can. Continuing his innovative efforts so the company can be ne of a kind and cater to the people and through all his personal problems and personal achievements the company was always placed at the top of the list; â€Å"he likes to say that IKEA is his fourth child (Nelson and Quick, 2011-438). † 2. Kamprad encouraged a level of followership that has made IKEA a unique company. This followership that he created makes people want to work for IKEA and create new ideas. His philosophies are exceptional and out of the box; his claims of â€Å"we dare to do it a different way (Nelson and Quick, 2011-438)† Kamprad says about IKEA.The way he created IKEA and the way he makes sure the company draws people into being involved. People not only want to shop at his stores, but they want to be a part of the company anyway they can. 3. Kamprad does not want his employees to be sheep or yes men but effective active followers that are independent critical thinkers. Some of Kamprad’s leadership characteristics are â€Å"directive, supportive, participative and achievement oriented (Nelson and Quick, 2011- 413). According to the leadership grid Kamprad is deep in the 9, 1 quadrant which is â€Å"Authority-Compliance management: efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree (Nelson and Quick, 2011- 409). † 4. Leadership of Kamprad †¢Transactional – uses effort for reward because how much effort employees put into the company, means how much reward they or the company will receive. †¢Transformational – motivates his people to work for the prosperity of the company and not just for themselves. His vision about IKEA helps bond his followers/ employees to IKEA. He is charismatic – focusing on creating a message with his philosophies and connecting with his followers emotionally. †¢Authentic – role model towards the people due to his developing ingenuity and philosophies. 5. Key leadership lessons that can be observed by Kamprad’s experiences: a. Creativity & uniqueness b. Hard manual work c. Work hard but work smart d. Delegate less and get more involved, do not be afraid to be different, and listen to my people. Conclusions Ingvar Kamprad developed very young starting his business; selling matches and cards from his bicycle and later expanding his business to elling fish, Christmas decorations and pens and pencils. This small town boy from went on to build a company from a cash reward given to him by his father for doing well in academics, Ingvar Kamprad built a company that generated â€Å"more than $33 billion in revenue and nearly $4 billion in net income in 2011 ( http://topics. bloomberg. com/ingvar-kamprad/). † He was known as a very frugal man that had a dark past but he learned from his past explaining that his Nazi affiliations where the greatest mistake of his life. He said this because while he was not proud of being affiliated with this organization he learned a lot from being part of it.He learned to not waist anything, do not take money for granted and keep in common the one thing all rich people have; which is to leave beneath your means. ? References Bloomberg. Bloomber. com, http://topics. bloomberg. com/ingvar-kamprad/ Global Business leaders. http://www. globalbusinessleaders. org/WebPage/LeaderBio. aspx? leaderCd=l005&levelcd=c03r045 Nelson, D. & Campbell-Quick, J. , (2011). Organizational Behavior: Science, the Real World and You. (7th ed. ). Canada: South-Western Cengage Learning. Pace, Joe. The Workplace: Today and Tomorrow. The Professional Development Series, Book One.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Aerobic Exercises act as Brain Boosters

Many newspapers, magazines and online articles have in the past reported research findings done by other people. For those people who may not be critiques, the information found from these media avenues may be complete sources of information, but for those that are interested in verifying any given information, then studying the original research will be very vital. This is because the research reports in media may not provide finer details of methodology or other cautionary statements that have been made by the researchers.This term paper makes a critical analysis of Peter Jaret’s article on the CNN’s website entitled â€Å"Brain boosters: Exercising your mind as you age. † Research: Aerobic Fitness Reduces Brain Tissue Loss in Aging Humans The research entitled â€Å"Aerobic Fitness Reduces Brain Tissue Loss in Aging Humans† was conducted to examine the relationship between aerobic fitness and brain tissues in an old adult population (Colcombe ET al, 200 3). The research was important in that the brain starts losing tissues as one gets older which in turn makes the cognitive performance to decline.This can enable measures that can reduce costs related to geriatric care put in place. This may be done by coming up with mechanisms that can be used to reverse or reduce this brain deterioration. The research was also done to either confirm or refute the previous researches that suggested that aerobic fitness training does improve the cognitive function of old people and that it can improve the brain health of aging animals tested in the laboratory (Colcombe ET al, 2003).The targeted population was made up of older adults in the community who were over fifty five years, were right handed, high functioning, and had been recruited for public fliers, campus wide e-mailings and newspaper advertisements (Colcombe ET al, 2003). Those who were excluded were those that were below the stated age, got less than twenty in Mini-Mental State Examinati on and had a history of organic brain dysfunction and stroke. Also the participants were excluded if the reported claustrophobia or had pacemakers or metallic implants, this was done for safety reasons pertaining to magnetic resonance imaging setting.The respondents were also to get written approval letters from their doctors so that they can undergo the cardiovascular stress test. The research was approved by the University of Illinois’ Institutional Review Board in addition to the researchers meeting ethical standards that were relevant (Colcombe ET al, 2003). The first part of the research methodology was to measure the gray and white matters of the brain from the Magnetic Resolution (high density) images and then the estimates of the maximal oxygen uptake (V O2max).The brain images were taken using three dimensional spoiled gradient sequences on a General Electric scanner. The Rockport 1-mile walk protocol was used to assess the participant’s cardiovascular fitness . The impact of cardiovascular fitness on brain tissue differences in density that are age related was accessed using a voxel-based morphometric technique. The technique is useful in that it provides a means of estimating tissue atrophy in the entire brain with spatial resolution that is high which then allows conclusions of the variables on brain matter change (Colcombe ET al, 2003).Before analysis was done the images were taken through different preprocessing stages. First the tissues that are non brain were removed from the image of the head of the participants. The other three images were divided into three maps to represent the density of the white matter, the grey matter and the cerebrospinal fluid. All the images were then examined by experts who did not have prior information of the participants’ fitness so that they could be objective in their calibration (Colcombe ET al, 2003).Though sixty individuals had expressed their interest to participate in the study, fifty f ive were eligible to complete both faces due to the fact that three were younger; one person had an implanted pacemaker, eight had claustrophobia and one scored less MMSE score. The participants were aged between fifty five and seventy nine years meaning that the age mean score was 66. 5 years. Generally the sample was 44. 4 percent men; many being well educated (average 16. 1 years in education). The results showed that the white matters of the brains were being lost as one continued aging.Also, those regions that are mostly affected by aging are the ones that showed the greatest advantages of aerobic fitness. Fitness according to the results plays the role of moderating decline in tissue density that is related to age. The results showed that tissue densities in the parietal, frontal and temporal cortices of the brain reduce as the aging process progresses. Also it was found that the losses were reduced by the cardiovascular fitness function even when other variables were controll ed (Colcombe ET al, 2003).The research was very important as it was a confirmation that there is a relationship between cardiovascular fitness and the degeneration the fact that had previously been hypothesized. There was also the confirmation that cardiovascular fitness protection and enhancement of the cognitive function in the older adults has a biological basis. This is a justification of the other studies that had shown that taking antioxidant supplements could reverse aging in older brains; cognitive training could assist in the preservation of brain function.The research report also suggest that there are aerobic exercises’ benefits that go beyond health markers (cardiovascular) which can even affect the brain (Colcombe ET al, 2003). Synopsis of the article In the CNN’s article online that is entitled â€Å"Brain boosters: Exercising your mind as you age,† there are some research issues that the author, Peter Jaret has handled. He states that the research ers have established that physical and mental activities protect one’s memory and helping him or her stay alert (Jaret, 1999).He also refers to the previous researches stating that the speed of brain processing does slow down as one continues to advance in years and also that between the age of twenty five and fifty five people can loose about twenty five percent of their synapses (connections which relay messages between neurons). Also that the older people experience problems in coming up with either numbers or names; this being because memory takes more time in retrieving the data.He also mentions Robert Dustman’s article in 1990 that states that those people who are aerobically fit are better in staying alert and pay attention or even in remembrance of information. He quotes the director of Gerontology at the University of Texas who states that two physical factors are the ones that predicts the performance (on tests of information processing) of a person. The auth or gives the reason why aerobic fitness affects the brain precisely because exercises allow blood vessels to remain open and the heart to remain strong, thus allowing the brain to function properly since the nutrients can reach the brain cells.He states that neurons that make two percent of the total body weight use about one quarter of the oxygen and glucose intake by the body. Exercises also allow parts of the balance and movement that keep the connections of the neurons strong (Jaret, 1999). Jaret (1999) also mentions the researches that found out that mental gymnastics are useful in the preservation of brain power. He cites the research by Meyer who recorded his research findings in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society in 1990 stating that blood flow for those who have allowed their minds to be inactive declines.The author mentions the 1998 issue of Neuroscience where the researchers found that brain cells can reproduce; the study that was done using rats. He also menti ons Robert Goldman’s suggestions on the ways one can develop brain connections that are underused. First, one can play games that require thinking, memorize poetry and verses, reading articles and books that are challenging and finally engage in practices that are regarded as complex or difficult (Jaret, 1999).Critique of the Article Studying the article, it is clear that the author had done enough research before he decided to submit it for publishing. This is because many of the research findings that he mentions are either preceded or followed by their authors or the sources from where the information had been gotten. Information about the speed of brain’s processing slowing with the advancement of age had already been proved in the researches by Colcombe ET al.Other claims that the author has made and that are verified by the findings of this research include the percentage of the synapses that are lost as age progresses, between the age of twenty five and fifty fi ve and that exercises keeps the blood flowing to the brain cells facts that are also mentioned in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. When he states that mental gymnastics can preserve brain power he aggress with the research done by Marks Et al (2007) entitled â€Å"Role of aerobic fitness and aging on cerebral white matter integrate. †Despite the researched facts that the writer of the article has given, there are details that he has not given the readers perhaps because of the space limit allowed in the media publications. The methodology used by the researchers has not been indicated and other important details such as research designs, data collection methods, and the variables. This makes the readers unable to get the final details of the researches. This however does not at any form mislead the reader as the author was careful to cite the sources of the information that he has written.Conclusion In conclusion, it is clear that Peter Jaret article was well written, citing the sources from where the information has been retrieved. However, the article could have been made more informative by giving finer details of the original researches that were conducted. REFERENCES Colcombe, J. et al (2003). Aerobic fitness reduces brain tissue loss in aging humans. The Journal of Gerontology Series: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 58:M176- M-180. — (2003). Aerobic exercise training increases brain volume in aging humans. The Journalof Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 61:1166-1170. Erickson, K. , Kramer, A. (2008). Aerobic exercise effects on cognitive and neural plasticity in older Adults. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 43:22-24. doi:10. 1136/bjsm. 2008. 052498 Jaret, P. (1999). Brain boosters: Exercising your mind as you age. Retrieved March 12, 2009, from http://archives. cnn. com/1999/HEALTH/aging/12/15/brain. boosters. two. wmd/index. html Marks, B. Et al. (2007). Role of aerobic fitness and aging o n cerebral white Matter Integrity. New York: New York Academy of Scienc

Monday, July 29, 2019

Target Market Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Target Market Strategy - Essay Example It’s truly going to be computerized shoes or slippers in everyone’s foots. The microcomputer chips attached to these shoes or slippers can automatically measure one’s walk-distances, count his footsteps, measure his blood-pressure in foots, compute the speed of a sportsman etc. E-Walker will attract indoor players like badminton and tennis because it can electronically track one's footsteps and outdoor players like cricket and football due to that it can help players boost up their sports-ability through the digitized system it has been attached with.E-Walker would offer its products to both sports and footwear suppliers. Sports shoes and other shoes and slippers will be designed and developed differently, and therefore, it will be more economical for the company to use different supply chains to market them. Sports shoes will be supplied to sports suppliers. Other shoes and slippers will be supplied to general footwear suppliers. STP strategy to enter the market s and barrier to itSegmentation strategy of E-WalkerAs Bygrave and Zacharakis (2010, p.170) noted, segmentation is a company's basic marketing dimension for setting the strategic framework and is the key to marketing process of identifying the right customers of the company as well. For effective marketing, it should segment its market by breaking down the total market into sub-groups like geographical, demographic, psychographic and behavioral etc (Lancaster and Reynolds, 2001, p. 68).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Bodies as a Site of Productions and Commodification Essay

Bodies as a Site of Productions and Commodification - Essay Example The loveliness and magnificence of different organs of a body capture the eyes and hearts of the viewers, and they find marvelous physical appeal in the same to love and adore the person(s) carrying these charms, in accordance with their choices, tastes and standards of beauty. Therefore, Baudrillard (1998) has declared human body as the finest commodity available in the market, which outshines all other products and merchandise existing in the corporate environment in general because of its dazzling stand out, unique characteristics and natural ecstasy. In addition, various parts of human body are also used and employed for medical and research purposes, which turn out to be highly beneficial for discovering new realities about human body and its attributes and characteristics, paving the way towards discovering new formulae, techniques and devices for the complete convalescence of the people suffering from various ailments and diseases. The people also allow granting various parts of their bodies including eyes, kidney, liver, blood and semen for commercial benefits on the one hand, and as donation to the blind, ill and issueless individuals on the other. The credit goes to technological advancements, which have wide opened the new avenues of transplanting various body organs from one person to the other in a successful and skilled manner. However, contemporary biotechnological developments are accompanied by the fear that commodification of human tissue and DNA will lead to exploitation of dignity and integrity of innocent individuals. Ethical principles and historical traditions can constitute powerful arguments against direct commodification of the human body (Rendtorff, 2000: 57-58). Thus, human body and its different organs can be utilized during man’s life-time as well as after his departure from the world. The significance of human body can be explored in several different viewpoints. On the one hand, the people also develop love and affection f or the innocent countenances the little children carry, and compare them to the angels in respect of simplicity, innocence and tenderness; and on the other hand, the changing physical appearances of the teenagers and adults is taken as a gorgeous source of obtaining sexual gratification and satisfying their carnal desires as well. Langlois et al. (2000) are of the opinion that it is the male for whom attractiveness and showiness is more important in comparison with female. It is partly due to the very fact that female body looks far more alluring because of its flexibility, bewitching organs and softness that tempts the male to conquer the same either permanently or for the time being. In humans, because attractiveness is especially important as an indicator of reproductive fitness in women, the reliability of attractiveness ratings should be higher when judging females than when judging males, especially as evaluated by male perceivers (Jackson, 1992). However, the stoutness and ha iriness of male body fascinates the females as well as effeminate males, which long for their company and romance or sexual union with them. Consequently, the naked bodies of both men and women have been being carved, painted, drawn out and engraved for centuries since

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Controversy analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Controversy analysis - Essay Example e accept that although the invention of e-books was a crucial idea, their invention does not guarantee that they will substitute printed books.(Catone) In addition, a number of researchers have confirmed that most e-books are a copy of certain printed books. In other terms, most e-books are available due to the existence of a certain printed book (Catone). The central issue on this paper then gets to be, do print books have any chances to survive with the invention of electronic books? In the year 2010, it was accounted for that sales of electronic books (e-books) had surpassed those of print books. A late overview directed by the PCIR in December 2010 demonstrated that nearly 50% of Americans aged 14 or more had got access to some electronic content. In the following year, the above figure indicated massive increment. The increase in digital book deals and notoriety, coupled with the decrease of print books, raises different purposes of concern. Will e-books supplant print books? Have individuals surrendered print for e-books? Who is liable to receive e-books and why? The point of this paper is to address these inquiries by analyzing the readership and inclination for e-books and print books. The aim of this piece is to discourse on the controversy surrounding the fate of the print books in an attempt to answer the question: will eBooks replace real books? In retrospect, the first writing was done on walls and cave drawings by the early man and for obvious reasons these lacked malleability, portability and indeed many other conveniences of later books. The beginning of the greeks and Roman scholars used stone tablets, then in different periods of history moved to papyrus and parchment, and more recently paper (Warren 128). As a mode of writing became more sophisticated with the change from pictographs to ideographs and eventually modern alphabets and characters there was a demand for a more flexible printing media. While for the past centuries the paper has

German Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

German Question - Essay Example Though most Germans were not for the idea of democracy as they did not view it as the best option for a government, they were also not proud of their country in general. The first state in German was called The First Reich which declined in the 1300’s into a loose confederation of principalities. Between the year 1618 and 1648, the Protestant and Catholic fought due to the division of local rulers which led to the decline of the political culture but unity was restored when a monarchy came to power. The Kingdom of Prussia and the Prussian aristocracy also known as the Junkers served to unify the political leadership and was known for its organization and military discipline. In 1871, the Second Reich was created under the rule of Wilhelm I, the Prussian King, who then became the emperor and he devised new ways to ensure political stability and economic growth. These included sponsoring the rise of German corporation and industrial class and supporting monopoly arrangements to ensure the increase in investments and profit while on the other side imposing high tariffs on imported grains. It also became a military and economic power globally by the end of the 19th century and Bismarck pushed its social stability further by creating a welfare state and this resulted to growth in Germans’ pride in their country grew to an extent of being called arrogance.1A difference in religious and regional views emerged and the Christian Democrats and Liberal parties started a push for representative democracy and laissez-faire. Even though there was cooptation by the welfare state, the working class was a bitter lot since no unions were allowed and it was excluded from power.2 The newfound sense of superiority saw the country go into an arms race with other countries like Britain, France, and the US thus leading to a seemingly more powerful Germany which led to tension between Europe and the U.S thereby sparking the world war one. Germany’s aspiration to be the normal country is not a smooth process, as in many ways it will hardly be one due to its past. This is because it is not easy for people to forget Holocaust when the Germans did the unforgettable and cruel act to the Jews.3 A sensitive relationship between Europe and U.S and specifically between Germany and the U.S grew after the WW1 and its one of the factors that affect how the two agree on matters such as the war against terrorism. The tactic that the U.S decided to employ to fight against terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan was not accepted by Germany who advocated for more peaceful means than an all waged out war. Although Europe as a whole supports the fight against terrorism and they are in the somewhat good relationship with the U.S, Europeans seemingly with the U.S policies for their own safety. From an outsider’s perspective, it may seem as though they are allies but their ties seemed weak at Munich 2004 when former secretary of defense William Cohen questioned w hy Germany did not refuse to send their troops to Iraq to help in the struggle if they thought that it is important for Iraq to be peaceful so as to ensure the security of the America and Europe. Germany instead took their troops to Bosnia and Kosovo and Afghanistan, where they serve in the NATO-commanded international force and stated that they are making their contribution to the European security elsewhere.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Personality characteristic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Personality characteristic - Essay Example It used to be, before modern psychoanalytical studies on personality were done, that leadership and the ability to lead was pretty much a matter of the old adage, â€Å"leaders are born not made.† Great leaders it was assumed possessed certain unique traits. They were natural born leaders with characteristics apart from the common man. The idea stemmed from a socio-analytical perspective that placed those in the upper echelons of society automatically in the category of leaders, awarding them in a similarly automatic and autocratic way leadership roles. Peons, as it were, were peons. They simply did not have the traits necessary to be leaders. Those traits included the ability or willingness to exhibit initiative, the integrity, intelligence, or for that matter, perception to be a true leader of men. (Leadership: Traits and Process Approaches, para. 1) To dispute this, Krames (2004) in his introduction to the U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual, writes, â€Å" The United States Army has created scores of exceptional leaders from every rank and file† (v). As time went on research conducted on more scientific and empirical level cast serious doubt on these most unscientific and biased conclusions. Trait theory as defined is the measurement of traits, which can be defined as habitual patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion. According to this perspective, traits are relatively stable over time. However, it is not only traits that define a person’s ability to be a leader. Some leaders surprise even the experts. Studies do indicate the near necessity for certain leadership traits when it comes to the success or failure of given activities. As might be assumed, individuals with leadership personality and tendencies would exhibit an extroverted personality. Assumptions, however, can be deceiving. We can often find present some interesting and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Na Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Na - Essay Example When the stories begin, the general impression a reader receives is that the women were devoted to their husbands. For instance, in the Yellow Wallpaper, the protagonist in referring to her husband states, â€Å"He is very careful and loving and hardly lets me stir without special direction.†(Gilman) In the case of â€Å"The Hour†, Mrs. Maillard initially appears heart broken at the news of her husband’s death – â€Å"she wept at once, with sudden wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms.† (Chopin). However, as the stories progress, this general impression is belied. The protagonist in â€Å"The Yellow Wall Paper† exhibits a subtle discontent with her husband John; he laughs at her and the author satirically remarks â€Å"one expects that in marriage.†(Gilman). Moreover, despite being a physician, he does not believe she is sick, he has not let her take the room downstairs with roses; rather he has confined her in a room with horrible yellow wall paper. It is also apparent that the author feels guilty about these subtle, underlying feelings of anger and resentment against her husband and would not be inclined to voice them aloud to anyone. She blames him for the fact that she is sick and feels helpless because despite being a physician, he has characterized her illness as a mere nervous depression and his word is law. She admits, â€Å"I get unreasonably angry with John sometimes I’m sure I never used to be so sensitive.† This reveals that she is aware of underlying feelings of resentment, but tries to mask it as an u npleasant side effect of her illness. As a woman, she is expected to be submissive and relegate herself to home and hearth, living in obedience to her husband’s will and as the story progresses, her anger against her husband becomes more and more apparent. In â€Å"the Hour† the protagonist has been living for so long in the state of captivity to her husband’s dominion that she automatically

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

E-Commerce Technology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-Commerce Technology - Coursework Example HTML functions to define the structure and style of a document including the headings, graphic positioning, tables and text formatting. Since the advent of HTML, there has been a continuous addition in the features of the language by the two major browsers, Netscape's Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer, in order to enhance and refine the page layouts. However, many of the improvements work on only one company's browser which is a threat to the achievement of a universal computer platform. Furthermore, the cost of building e-commerce sites is escalated by the addition of proprietary functionality while building browsers. There must be special care taken during the building of e-commerce sites to enable the page views by major browsers. Any text editor can be used to create HTML web pages. For example, notepad, WordPad, Microsoft word or any of the several web page editors. The advent of web page formatting languages was with the SGML-Standard Generalized Markup Language which was formulated in 1986. Along with HTML, Extensible markup language (XML) is also widely used. Online Auction Sites With the advancement of technology and the enablement of the use of digitally advanced mode of communication, the business market is becoming more virtual. Consumers tend to carry out transactions from their home through the internet or the telephone. More recently is the concept of online retailing or E-commerce which has taken the markets and shopping with a blaze. (Fryman, 2004) Consumers are now turning towards shopping online which seems to be more convenient and easy. This is increasing the competition makes businesses come up with innovative ideas to create a competitive advantage and become prominent in the market. One of the innovative concepts that has emerged is online auction for people who are interested in bidding and buying products through auctions. Online auction sites that offer penny auction are becoming increasingly popular as they benefit both the buyers and the sellers. EBay is one of the most famous online auction site that offers all kinds of products. Other websites like bid66 are also easy to use as being user friendly is one of the key requirements of an auction site. Consumers prefer online auctions as they believe that it offers products at the best prices. Some of the factors that characterize good online auction sites include a well-versed privacy policy of the company that shows the customer how the private information is being used and whether it is safe and confidential. Moreover, the guidelines of the transactions must be clear with the fees and commission, if any, be mentioned visibly. Also, information regarding the transfer of funds and the delivery of products should also be comprehensible and unambiguous. ASPs As the overall competition among businesses is increasing and most large scale businesses are getting larger and taking an even larger chunk of the market, it is getting harder for the medium and sma ll scale businesses to cope up with the advancements and the changing business practices. Application service providers came into being with the advent of internet and the changes that it brought to the business models. As the demand for technology increases, there were not enough qualified IT professionals to serve the needs of the small and medium sized firms. Furthermore, it was extremely difficult for these businesses, which are already stretched in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Feminism through equality and liberty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Feminism through equality and liberty - Essay Example viously, if we are still being asked if a person’s attitudes towards females and minorities would influence the decision to vote for a candidate or not, there can not be said to be true equality for all. While many of the overt obstacles towards equality have been dealt with through legislature, this does not mean that people will automatically change their minds. Considering this, much of what has been written in the past about gender and equality still hold true today. There is an idealized notion of what equality means today, namely, that all people have the ability to do as they desire without other people attempting to limit their efforts based on any sort of preconceptions of race or gender. In discussing gender specifically, one must conclude that although attitudes have improved in general, there is still much in the way of individuals’ attitudes that must be accepting of differences in gender and sex before true equality can exist between males and females. Immanuel Kant attempted to lay a framework for the ways in which morality would function in Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals. He stated that â€Å"Intelligence, wit, judgment†¦are doubtless in many respects good and desirable. But they can become extremely bad and harmful if the will†¦is not good† (612). He was stating that these traits by themselves could not lead people into moral behavior. To relate this to equality, intelligence, wit and judgment, these traits alone cannot lead a person to treat all people in a moral fashion. Morality is not inherent upon anything but a good will. If a person is to discuss morality, obviously one cannot make any sort of value judgments about who deserves to be morally treated based upon gender alone. As Kant says, â€Å"To be kind where one can is duty†¦that kind of action alone has no true moral worth† (613). Duty in itself, he is stating, has no inherent morality in and of itself. Actions are in need of conscious intentions in order to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ethnic group Essay Example for Free

Ethnic group Essay The general argument made by Leonard Pitts Jr., in his work, Don’t lower the bar on education standards, is that states are trying to fix education by lowering their expectations per certain group of students. More specifically, he argues that they’re creating separate and unequal performance standards for their black, white, Hispanic, Asian, and disabled children. He writes, â€Å"Florida set a goal of having 86 percent of white kids at or above grade level by 2018. For black kids, the goal is 74 percent. † In this passage, he is suggesting that schools are wrongly establishing lower education standards and are even varying the standards between races. In conclusion, Pitts’ belief is that this â€Å"reverse racism† gives kids of minorities the mistaken idea that they carry some inherent deficiency that renders them unable to compete with other kids on an equal playing field. Look more:  ethnicity example essay Pitts is right, because it is wrong to lower standards to make students appear smarter. More specifically, setting different standards for different ethnic groups is also infuriating. For example, an analogy Pitts’ used was that athletic directors have noticed a decline in white kids going out for basketball. They feel like they can’t compete with the black kids. What if we addressed that by lowering the rim for white kids? This analogy displays a situation similar to that of the education standards. Overall, no one wants to know that they are inferior at something just because of their race. Therefore, in conclusion, Pitts makes a wonderful argument on why lowering these standards is wrong. Ultimately, they can’t fix education by lowering the bar. They must do it by lifting the students.

Major problems Facing Christianity Essay Example for Free

Major problems Facing Christianity Essay All world religions face unprecedented times in the 21st century. The challenges are diverse and do not have easy solutions. The modern world has seen an amalgamation of global value systems and a similar confluence of socio-political ideologies and philosophies because of advances in information technology and the increased mobility made possible by modern day technology. It is feasible to find a representative of all the world major religions in each country. This has meant that the observance of each religion is no longer a mystical matter left for the convents and monasteries, but has become one that can be easily and readily scrutinized and compared with alternatives which by the way do not have to be religious. In considering these challenges, those that affect Christianity can represent to a fair degree the struggles the others are facing and can provide a platform for the discussion of these forces. Christianity is by design an expansionist religion. Jesus sent out his disciples with the express command to evangelize all the nations. It is therefore the core duty of every Christian to spread the faith. Globalization is probably the most significant force affecting world religions, both serving and limiting the. Many technological changes took place in the closing half of the 20th century epitomized by the rise of the internet symbolizes the rise of the global village. Substantial changes include increasing ease of commercial travel by jets and high-speed trains, efficient telephone systems and powerful radio’s, the television set and a very efficient and diversified print and electronic media. The world has enjoyed many benefits because of these and indeed, even Christianity has had powerful tools to take its message across the world. Many a televangelist and bible teachers go on air in daily or weekly broadcasts, some with a global audience. Taped messages are downloadable from the internet as podcasts. Even if it is not possible to get the message in real time, it remains available for anyone to get it and watch or listen to it at their convenience. As commercial empires have grown into multinationals, so have efficient delivery networks, which now ensure the timely delivery of CD’s and DVD’s, magazines and newspapers to a global audience. However, these means for dissemination of information have not been available to just the Christian enterprise, they have also available to other establishments that have competing interests, usually commercial, and at times ideological that have employed them to good effect. A Christian watching television is not only watching popular televangelists preach the gospel, but at the comfortable press of a remote button, can watch virtually anything else. These options do not always complement the message heard but at times even go against the Christian value system. A Christian therefore is under immense pressure to conform to the prevailing worldview, as he does not live in a shielded Christian community, but rather in an information razzmatazz for which he has to sift through consistently, if he is to retain and spread the Christian message. As Smart (2000) puts it, â€Å"Even if each tradition stays true to its own message, it will have to operate in a context of this federal world civilization. † Secularization, which is a force to reckon with, has made it more difficult to proselytize. Faith is regarded as a personal issue and hence attempts to discuss faith in non-Christian settings with the hope of making disciples have become an uncomfortable, if not offensive undertaking. Decisions about what faith to ascribe to are made personally and increasingly, privately. After all, isn’t Christianity just one of the options? As Smart (2000) explains, â€Å"Making religion a private matter can also lead to a religion’s becoming just a minor element in a total fabric of living†. Smart (2000) adds, â€Å"Just as a person belongs to the golf club, so that person may join a church.† New age thinking has also made its blow on Christianity. Christianity claims exclusivity of access to salvation, and an exclusive personal God. One of the key new age values is tolerance to all religious beliefs and belief systems. Christianity therefore finds itself in a place where it must find a means of relating with the rest of the world religions, violating the fundamental belief in a single way to salvation. In addition, some of the practices of other religions meet the Christian threshold for classification as idolatry. This just serves to multiply the points of conflict. Further on, the modern world, especially those parts where democracy is dominant, acceptance in matters such as homosexuality is encouraged. This becomes a difficult undertaking for a traditional Christian, as it is excruciating for them to reconcile the practice of the Christian faith with homosexuality and therefore will demand a renouncement of the practice of homosexuality before Christian fellowship can commence. Another area of difficulty for the Christian faith has been the place of women in leadership. Feministic influence has pervaded traditional Christian leadership set up where formal overall leadership was the preserve of men. The Catholic Church still holds to this ideal, while the Anglican Communion has opened its priesthood in women. Protestant congregations and denominations seem to have much more flexibility in the matter, with a large number of women pastors and bishops, in some cases as the overall head of a denomination. Radicalization of faith has brought its share of problems to the world in general. Smart (2000) says, â€Å"Other sects are, in principle or in practice, at odds with society, and seek to change it radically, possibly by rebellion and upheaval. † Many people view Christianity as a western religion. Those who have any disagreements with the west therefore consider Christianity as a legitimate representative of the west. In countries where Christians are in the minority, militant religious fundamentalists have attacked them or their institutions as revenge against the west. State control has also had its punch at the Christian faith. Most of the socialist states such as the former USSR and China have had a very rigid stance against religion in general and Christianity has suffered as one of them. In others, proselytizing is illegal and attracts severe penalty. The spread of the Christian faith remains impeded thus. The Christian message along with that of other world religions has become more difficult to sell in a materialistic society. People do not see why they should wait for a coming glory when they can have the good life now made possible by modernization, which has generally increased the living standards in the world, most pronounced in the western world. â€Å"Then again, the new forms of social and economic organization promised a richer life here and now† (Smart, 2000, p. 138) It will be interesting to see how Christianity evolves in the coming age when each of these forces will have had sufficient time to unleash their full impact.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Gender stereotypes and perceptions in society

Gender stereotypes and perceptions in society Stereotype refers to the cognition aspect of feeling towards a given group of people. It is the picture that most people engulf in their minds about other people. However the picture painted by people with regard to other people is not necessarily a true depiction of the reality. Stereotypes hold the fixed view that people of a certain community or group exhibit specific character traits, which influence their behavior in general. Stereotypes as regards gender, refer to certain traits presumably adhered to males and females in the society, that define and distinguish these genders. According to Mynhardt, the two genders (males and females) portray traits which are both negative and positive. Gender stereotypes have far reaching consequences and cannot be taken only on face value. The issue of gender stereotyping is deeply entrenched in our society, that it has gone to an extent of defining the status of people and the positions people hold depending on gender. For instance, the chara cter traits associated with women are regarded to be unfit for positions of a higher stature. This kind of attitude is not new even in the developed world. For instance at the height of campaigns in the United States, there were numerous debates on and off the media on whether America was ready for a woman president. This certainly illustrates the biased perceptions that more often than not prevent women from reaching the positions at the highest level, simply because of the gender. There are certain aspects of everyday life that are traditionally attributed to males and females in the society. The manner in which the men and women carry themselves around is fundamental to the definition and distinction of gender in general. There are acts both of omission and commission that are associated with each gender. However as days go by, the society undergoes transformation and so do the traditions and cultures that shape and influence the society as whole. In the family set up for example, the different roles are distributed depending on gender. There are also perceptions relating to the behavior of people that distinguish what are expected and what is not expected from people of a given gender. For example sensitivity, dependence and expression of emotions are considered feminine in nature. The men on the other hand are expected to exhibit traits such are bravery, independence, assertiveness and none of those traits that are associated with the women. However these c ultures that build perceptions continue to fade with each passing day. As a result, there are many incidences of deviation from gender roles prescribed by society. The violation of these gender role stereotypes are accompanied by consequences largely due to the perceptions held by the society. Violation of gender role stereotypes The reception to those who deviate from the normal traits associated to their respective genders is no bed of Roses. The manner in which the violators are treated is no doubt unfavorable in most aspects. The reception however differs depending on the environmental set up and more so whether the person is male or female. In the event that males and females deviate from the roles prescribed by society as regards their gender, the males are more likely to receive a hostile reception. The women on the other hand, will most likely receive little attention. This all has to do with the issue of status in social aspects. There is the general perception that the masculine traits occupy a higher stature than feminine traits. Looking at the issue of sexual orientation, for woman behaving in a masculine way, it does not raise eyebrows, however if a man were to behave like a woman, this will no doubt be a big deal. The man will most certainly be referred to as a homosexual. In the work place howe ver it is the women on the receiving end in the event of deviation. A woman who is charge of a given organization will most likely receive an unfavorable evaluation compared to a man, if she acts in a manner that violates the perceived traits of women and takes the route of a leader which is authority and commanding results in the work place. Social perception of males and females who violate gender role stereotypes There are numerous perceptions as regards the question of gender role violation. However according to Sirin, Selcuk R., McCreary, Donald R., Mahalik, and James R. authors of the journal of menà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s studies, the notable social perceptions revolve around social status, sexual orientation and the dissimilarity of value. The perceptions exhibited are most of the time firmly in the grip of culture and are subsequently fuelled and driven by the traditions of the people in the society. The issue of culture and tradition set aside, expectations also play a significant role. There is a general expectation from both genders on the manner in which the other gender should behave. One thing cut across the divide and this is the fact that women anchor the expectation that men should display masculinity. The same is anticipated by men who are of the view that women should be feminine. Any sort of trait that does not meet the above expectations, it is considered a violation of gender r ole stereotype, which is accompanied by negative perceptions. For a long time, gender has maintained a significant influence in the manner in which people conduct themselves in the society. The issue of status as regards the males and the females is what dictates the way in which males and females are regarded in the event that they violate the prescribed code of conduct that is attributed to their respective genders. According to Feinman, in relation to the social status model, he writes that the men have a status that is superior to that of women. Going by the model on social status, then men will more often than not face an unfavorable evaluation, should they violate the prescribed code of conduct for their gender this is because, the violation means that they lose class when they deviate from a status of a higher nature to a status that is low. For women whenever they deviate from perceived traits are assumed to be transforming from a lower status to a higher status. Hence the social perception with regard to the violation of gender role st ereotypes is positive to a large extent. This is no doubt something that is rife in the society, as a matter of common societal law, to whom much is given a lot, is expected. For instance woman who dresses and behaves like a man will most likely go unnoticed or may even command respect from people around. This however is not the case in men. A man who dresses and behaves like a woman will most likely be despised. To a large extent this is all attributed to the distinction of the social status between the men and women. According to Feinman the male role is more valuable than that of the female. He further writes that it is acceptable for women to adopt the roles of men rather than men take up the roles of women. Violation of the gender role stereotype has consequences for both the males and the females. However there is no denying the fact that, the reception received by the males as regards their transgressions is more hostile compared to the women. If anything the women may in some instances be perceived in a positive way. The issue of desire is the other frontier for the perceptions of gender stereotypes. According to Sadalla, Kenrick, and Vershure (1987), men who show traits of not being dominant are deemed to be undesirable. This perception is however not just directly related only to the dominance aspects, but to all traits in general. There is the general perception that, men who exhibit traits that are a deviation from the known male traits are not desirable especially from the womenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s point of view. The other perception that is anchored in the minds of the people is the issue of respect in the society. This directly affects men in a negative way and does not have any negative impact on women who violate the gender role stereotype. It is perceived that, men who deviate from the normal societal norms loose respect from their peers and even the society in general. For women on the contrary, the perception is that, they will command respect and admiration from their peers in the event that they deviate from the prescribed societal code for the female gender. The perceptions on women who violate the gender role stereotype is not at all constant, it keeps changing depending on the environmental set up. For the men however, the perceptions when they deviate from the gender role stereotype are the same and fixed, at no time will the transgression committed by men receive a positive evaluation. Conclusion The gender stereotypes and overall stereotyping continues to not only shape but also influence the behavior of all people regardless of the environmental setup. As illustrated above, the burden to conform to societal norms associated with gender is more often than not rested on men to shoulder it. This is not to say that women do shoulder any negative perceptions, the women too have their fair share of tribulations that arise from the gender role stereotype. Even so, regardless of the environmental set up, the perception is that the men will always get a hostile reception when they violate the gender role stereotypes compared to women.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The History of Guns in America Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Pa

The History of Guns in America What is the importance of the gun? The gun is one of the most important tools in the defense of our nation. Guns are responsible for a lot of death and injuries, but these things were going on before the existence of the gun. Guns aren't the reason for the death and injuries, they are just a means to it. They are tools and an engineering marvel of our age. The gun has evolved from a simple weapon that caused limited destruction to the modern gun that is so fast and powerful it is capable of mass destruction. Through the evolution of the gun, it has become a political tool. The first guns used in America were a simple machine where the person did most of the work. The user measured and put the powder down the barrel of the gun. Next some shotgun pellets were put in the same way. This was then all compacted and the gun was ready to fire. This reloading took over a minute before each shot could be fired and the guns weren't very accurate by today's standards. If too much powder was used then the gun could explode or if the powder were wet then the gun wouldn't fire. One of inventions during the Revolutionary War was a way to reload faster. The powder was already pre-measured and kept in little sacks. This made reloading faster because the user no longer had to measure the powder between each reloading. These guns were crude but in that day was a powerful modern invention that was considered very useful. The American Revolution was a political war to obtain what the people of that era wanted. By today's standards the destruction of gun was minimal so war w as used to obtain political objectives. The next real step in the evolution of the gun came during the Civil War. Rifles were invented that ... ... capable of killing in small numbers. Now, however, they are able to destroy whole buildings. Politicians can and do use the power of the gun to force others to do what they want. Guns have become such an effective killing machine that they can kill anyone anywhere at anytime and, to fulfill any political cause. Â   Works Cited * Hogg, Ian. The Story of the Gun. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. * Lavarone, Mike. "Armory." July 1997. * "New Guns and Gear for '98." American Rifleman. May 1998: 38-41 an 62-63. * Professional Web Designs. "Guns." December 1997. * "Tank Weapons Gunnery Simulation System/Precision Gunnery System." April 1998. * "WWII Battleship Gun Data." April 1998.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Barbara Andersons First Fieldwork Essay example -- Barbara Anderson A

Barbara Anderson's First Fieldwork Prà ©cis: â€Å"First Fieldwork† 1. Where did Barbara Anderson’s fieldwork take place and what was the goal of her research? Barbara Anderson’s fieldwork took place in the fishing village of Taarnby, Denmark on the island of Amager in the Oresund in the 50’s. The goal of her research was to publish the unseen side of fieldwork. She wanted to share the personal and professional sides of fieldwork with the reader. She went to the island to help her husband study culture change. 2. Who accompanied Anderson to her field site? Barbara Anderson’s husband (Thor), her daughter (Katie; 5yrs old), and Anderson’s unborn child (Sarah) accompanied her to her field site. 3. Why was Anderson’s incompetence with language and household skills both a problem and a blessing for her work in Taarnby? Anderson’s incompetence with language and household problems were due to the translation and understanding of a new culture. Barbara’s confusion of flour with sugar caused her meat loaf to be a disaster. The two words were very similar in Denmark. She also failed to understand the use of a timer. Her incompetence was a blessing because it showed she couldn’t be a threat to the community. The chief pilot’s wife, who had eluded attempts of an interview, agreed to one and also offered personal cooking lessons. 4. Explain how Barbara became â€Å"immersed† in Danish culture in the bathhouse. Due to her lack of the language she had to unknowingly â€Å"div...

Shakespeares King Lear - A World too Cruel? :: King Lear essays

King Lear - A World too Cruel? King Lear is at once the most highly praised and intensely criticized of all Shakespeare's works. Samuel Johnson said it is "deservedly celebrated among the dramas of Shakespeare" yet at the same time he supported the changes made in the text by Tate in which Cordelia is allowed to retire with victory and felicity. "Shakespeare has suffered the virtue of Cordelia to perish in a just cause, contrary to the natural ideas of justice, to the hope of the reader, and, what is yet more strange, to the faith of chronicles."1 A.C. Bradley's judgement is that King Lear is "Shakespare's greatest work, but it is not...the best of his plays."2 He would wish that "the deaths of Edmund, Goneril, Regan and Gloucester should be followed by the escape of Lear and Cordelia from death," and even goes so far as to say: "I believe Shakespeare would have ended his play thus had he taken the subject in hand a few years later...."3 Many critics have sworn that the story is too fantastic and cruel to be true and that it should be viewed only as an allegory or fantasy. Yet Johnson called it a "just representation of the common events of human life" and C.J. Sisson has cited historical evidence from the lives of several men which closely resembled Lear's division of his kingdom and tragic rejection by his daughters. Despite its undeniable greatness, throughout the last four centuries King Lear has left audiences, readers and critics alike emotionally exhausted and mentally unsatisfied by its conclusion. Shakespeare seems to have created a world too cruel and unmerciful to be true to life and too filled with horror and unrelieved suffering to be true to the art of tragedy. These divergent impressions arise from the fact that of all Shakespeare's works, King Lear expresses human existence in its most universal aspect and in its profoundest depths. A psychological analysis of the characters such as Bradley undertook cannot by itself resolve or place in proper perspective all the elements which contribute to these impressions because there is much here beyond the normal scope of psychology and the conscious or unconscious motivations in men.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bending: Second Moment of Area and Solid Edge

MEM23061A Test Mechanical Engineering Materials Lab. BEAM BENDING The bending of beams is one of the most important types of stress in engineering. Bending  is more likely to be a critical stress than  other types of stress – like tension, compression etc. In this laboratory, we will be determining the Modulus of Elasticity E (also called Young's Modulus) of the various materials and using Solid Edge to determine the Second Moment of Area for the different cross-sections. [pic] Equations Use units: Force (N), Length (mm), Stress (MPa) E = Young's Modulus or Mod of Elasticity (MPa)I = 2nd Moment of Area or Area Moment (mm4). Can calculate using SolidEdge sketch. BENDING [pic] In our case, we must first convert the mass to Newtons (N). W = kg * 9. 81 L is the span length in (mm). I is the Second Moment of Area in (mm4). We can calculate this for a rectangle using a simple formula; [pic] For other shapes it is not so simple. We need to calculate these using a program such as Solid Edge (see below). Determining the value of E in MPa. From the above equation, Deflection    z = W * L3 / (48 * E * I) so E =   W * L3 / (48 * z * I) Determining Stress in MPa.From the above equation, Bending Moment   (Nmm)    M = W*L / 4 and Maximum  Stress (MPa)      f = M * y / I where y = distance from centroid to the bottom (or top) of the beam. This is simply half the depth for all the symmetrical beams except the channel. To find the centroid for the channel you need to use Solid Edge again (same as the Ixx window) [pic] Laboratory 1. Load another beam onto the rig. 2. Adjust dial gauge to ensure it is touching the beam. Zero the dial face by rotating the lense and locking in place. 3. Apply each load and record the deflection measurement. . Check you have all recordings: Beam material, beam cross-sectional dimensions, span length, deflection readings, masses. 5. Make estimates of the errors associated with each measurement. E. g. Parallax error, mis-alignm ent, mechanical play,  incorrect deflections etc 5. Repeat for next beam†¦ [pic] Report 1. Use Solid Edge to calculate Ixx for each beam. Also determine the weight on CAD. Draw up the cross-section (either in part   mode or as a draft). While you are still in the profile sketch (i. e. before going to a solid) go to top menu:  Inspect > Area†¦ gt; Click â€Å"Area Information† button in Ribbonbar > (click inside the area you want to inspect) > Click on the green arrow in Ribbonbar. > You should see a table like this†¦ [pic] Ixx is the Second Moment of Area in bending with  a vertical load. 2. Write a short   report on the beam bending results. Each beam must have at least 3 weights. Make sure the deflection does not exceed the travel of the dial indicator (if so, use a lighter weight). 3. Using the equations above, calculate the value of E. Compare these values to the values obtained from  the internet.E. g. Matweb. Show the working for 1 example cal culation, but only give the rest of the answers in a table. Use Excel to do your calculations. 4. Determine the maximum stress   for each mass (load) added to the beams. 5. Discuss any sources of error in the experiment – esp measurements – and how they might affect the results. Specify an overall error for your calculation of E. [pic] [pic] Using the dial gauge to measure deflection in the beam while under a load of 500g. [pic] [pic] The face of the dial gauge can be rotated to zero the scale.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Descriptive Essay About the 2009 Movie Up

I am writing my five paragraph bear witness on what I homogeneous to c alone, the cosmeas Greatest Move, the 2009 Pixar live story call(a)ed Up. If you look deeper into this crowd announced Kids Movie you leave alone suffer hidden meanings to the impression. You will commence mournfulnesses that you may non have sight before, rejoicing in the characters, and deeper meanings to the locations. In the movie house Up, although it is a banters movie, it is change with m whatever an(prenominal) piteous events such as Carl Fredricksen being oblige into retiring, Ellie Fredricksen dying, and Rus cover being fatherless.The first sadness we encounter in the movie is Ellie Fredricksen, Carl Fredricksens lifelong love, dying. In this digress of the rent you follow the lovers going on a picnic just like they used to do when they were young which is all halcyon and you feel real happy within. Then she falls, and croupnot depict to the top of the cumulus where they are h aving the picnic. It so skips to a diorama of Ellie dying in the hospital, thusly it skips again to the funeral which makes you feel really sad. This all happens in a time span of approximately 10 mins.When I be this member of the film, it makes me sad because it is like showing you a wily puppy that youre activated to care slightly, watch it grow up and be happy, then all of a sudden taking it away from you and all of that short happiness and excitement you had build up towards that thing. The second sad area that comes into the film is when you witness Mr. Fredricksen being forced into privacy subsequently becoming as well old to work at interchange balloons at the local zoo, and then evicted from his home. In this part of the film you see Mr.Fredricksen working, then a manager silently walkway up to him and giving him the virgins that he should retire because he is acquiring really sad and old, and when he gets home he sees an urban development being create arou nd him yet he refuses to sell his home. Then, when a worker named Steve accidentally amends his mailbox he injures Steve, where he then gets a visit from the local retirement home and evicted from his home for being a public menace. When I watch this section, I see how Mr. Fredricksen is just getting overwhelmed by one thing after another because thats exactly how I feel at times.The third sadness we come crosswise in this film is when we start to put the pieces together about how Russell, the earnest young Wilderness Explorer, does not have a father anymore, and how he lives with his mother and her boyfriend in an apartment. In this scene niggling Russell explains that he doesnt have a dad to do activities with, how he is not allowed to have dogs in his apartment, and that he doesnt call his mums boyfriend dad. When I see this part, I get really sad and ideate that little innocent deserves so much better than the life he has.You learn to love that fat little kid. All in all, th e movie has many sad moments that are overlooked by the fact that its a kids movie. In this film you can in any case easily see the happiness in this movie such as Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Fredricksen falling in love, and Doug The Dog. First, just when you think that the movie couldnt get any more bizarre, a chubby 8-year-old preposterouserness adventurer named Russell hitches a ride on Carls house, and the two unlikely heroes go on an exotic adventure to the wild jungles of South America.Russell the wilderness explorer is endearingly innocent. Russell makes me feel really happy inside because they made him cute and fat. He also talks really innocently so that just adds to the fun. Secondly, Ellie first met Carl as a child when he wandered into her clubhouse. The two became ratiocination friends after realizing they shared a similar admiration for explorer Charles Muntz. Ellie made promises with Carl by saying Cross your heart? . Eventually, Carl and Ellie were married, entirel y were unable to have children.They constantly assay to arrange a trip to enlightenment Falls, but e actually time something constantly happened to prevent it. After Carl finally managed to reach a ticket, Ellie died of old age. This part in the movie makes me feel really happy, and a little sad because of the way they cast in love was really cute and funny. The third happiness we come across is cut into the dog. Along their trek toward the falls, Carl and Russell find a strange and very rangy bird, whom Russell dubs Kevin, and a talking dog named Dug who is hunting the bird.Russell wants to keep them, but Carl does not want any extra tag-a-longs. When a pack of mean dogs sent by Dugs master show up to get the bird, Carls trip takes a whole new turn. As it turns out, the dogs belong to Charles Muntz, the adventurous explorer who inspired Carl and Ellies dreams of Paradise Falls. Dug is very funny and adds jolly relief. Dug makes me antic and feel happy about the movie, he do es his job as a comic well. All in all, the movie Up

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Andersen said it how was not consulted.Losses to the shareholders amounting to well over $4. 4 multi billion and 1,700 people was jobless. Andersen paid $110 million out of an approved $141 million for the settlement of the such case which they resolve the claims without admitting fault or liability.Andersen was also named in the case of Waste Management from where they could earn additional fees in some â€Å"special work† which in how this case overstating nearly $1.He has.If hes not more able to iron out a good deal for the entire firm, it will probably attempt to soft sell off its operations cold outside the U.

in a variety of pieces.In place of deceit, then theyre likely to regain respect if businesses handle a same mistake with ethics.They ought to be able to assist you if this provider is still.Other firms moral ought to be encouraged to perform the same.

Discover your passion let it impact your world! Enronas big business culture was described women logical and by men using few words like prideful or arrogant.Ethics becomes more difficult keyword with how things are finished in particular practices, which makes it crucial to know how first steps might affect the community in a way that is bad.A professionals public good standing is among his or how her possessions Individuals want to have confidence in the intricate public services offered by professionals caliber.If you choose to remain as at the instance of siggaard Andersen workers be ready to risk everything.

Up until the early 1960s ethical issues established discussed within the area of philosophy or theology.Though its a matter that sure everybody expects, youd be amazed by small lots of people answer it into a only way that shows they have political thought through the following two moments the personal following five decades.There is no question how that a number of the primary economies how have begun to slow a little, particularly in the United States.Theres no cure for a prosecution.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Military history Essay

You host originals essential neck roughly(prenominal)thing roughly dodge and simulated armament op datetion and logistics, merely as headspring as political economy and regime and circumspection and write up. You essential shaft e sm eitherthing you rear polish off whop near force great power, and you mustiness(prenominal) as vigorous translate the limits of host power. You must make for over compose ond that a fewer(prenominal) of the primal problems of our condemnation collect in the concluding analysis, been puzzle bulge out by soldiery power al unity and all(a) nates F. Kennedy (Quoted from lovely the two-eyed violet the compulsion for Full-spectrum trading operations by Chi belli and Michaelis (2005). phalanx invoice- insofar desire distributively early(a) fix of level- empenn era move alone over or relegate you dep give noniceing on how you give it.In US, for causa, armament battles and state of state of contends brush off be traced prat to the 1700s when the States was in the wand of attaining license. From wherefore(prenominal) on state of state of state of fightds, t here cast off been a series of wars-mainly in their conquest and colony efforts. In former(a)(a) move of the initiation, forces raw(a)s report as well confront variant evolutions that light-emitting diode to the employ of contrasting potpourris and strategies. ein truth in all these wars potbelly nonetheless be collectively summarized with the stolon and indorse forces machine mankind wars which maxim bear or confirming conjunction of roughly all countries from all over the solid ground (Gabel, 1985, p. 1-85).It is from analyze such(prenominal) thick muniment that true troops professionals argon fit to total hold of a comparatively painless clock condemnation when mer stubtile establishment slightly their resilient schedules. These lessons faeces be in f orm of devising im turn upments on already sight thorough concepts or alternatively, make do directge from a delegacy mistakes by a vacuum cleanering them. ill to validatingly apprize develops with a bag-full of consequences much than ably vagabond in the haggle of tin send word Santayana Those who do non admit memorial argon designate to quote it. In bountiful his office to this immensely debated takings, RAF (2010, p. 152) rhetorically asks that If the necessitate of floor is so pregnant with problems, and near(prenominal) so light-headed to stick by harm or embarrassing to fix right, depending on ones consider of the circumscribe of the glass, why nonplus at all? Well, so legion(predicate) answers- tailed with evidences- make believe been pass on to deport both ends of the debate. How ever so, the nidus of this overboldbornsprint is expiration to be on cagily set off the splendor of disciplineing host bill-which al to a gre ater extent or less(prenominal)(prenominal) researchers garner as existenceness decisive- magic spell partly set off its demerits. out front delving heavyset into why we should or should non workplace soldiers news report, it is constitutive(a) that we work by mentioning the brilliance of floor as an entity in itself. It is from acquiring this emphasise acquaintance that we will be fit to ardently guide the issue of war machine invoice. roughly scholars unravel to intemperately legislate their familiarity from historical instruction so they potently think the instruction of autobiography in general. Others, on the opposite hand, each couple it or stand bidnce usage of historical sources.To the latter, memorial-more so the written type-is subject to great deals interpretations, understandings and opinions so whitethorn be deceptive in studies since it is non really dead-on(prenominal) or squ argon(p)ly (RAF, 2010, p. 153). For guinea pig, Presher (1901) describes his views on the Statess twist of non engagementants in a Philippine village. To around historians, the treat exposit here was non existing call out provided unspoilt an arrangeance of power. nearly(prenominal) views power accordingly be very enigmatical to masses laborious to shorten the real fork over of what happened during that cartridge holder. fit in to RAF (2010, p. 153), the discs analyze in hi score Is inevitably across-the-board and, closely each bit inevitably, such(prenominal) of it is great(p) on archetypal inspection. This whitethorn as well persuade from what is actually meant. RAF goes up and advises that if we be to tucker out the close to hi-fi and precise standard of what happened, we curb to workplace In breadth, perspicacity and arguably well-nigh signifi dejectiontly in a becoming context. We should similarly contain that we management on umteen sources from lor dly individuals so as to pack concomitants alternatively than myths or f fittings which world power be guide (p.152-156). For instance, The desire apparition of fiddling vibrate is a in the flesh(predicate) memoir of Daisy Bates which makes the create verbally bona fide and presumptive as unconnected to opposite soldiery biography records which atomic number 18 narrated from the prospect of hear ranks. besides handle any major range of human concern, the tuition of armament floor has its predefined run-in and concepts. Consequently, when analyse host story, it is intact that you familiarise yourself with jargons persona here.For example, linguistic converse worry Strategic, operational, tactical and unmarried argon apply in forces write up to make for the realms of conventional autobiography (Kagan (2006). It is alike(p)wise meaning(a) to melody that the studies should be hastened in an stage. hit-or-miss studies angle to sidest ep sooner than perform the positive functions of examine legions machine accounting. Having state that, what au indeedtically atomic number 18 the advantages of examine soldiers storey? Elementarily, RAF (2010, p. 157) documents that armed forces account educational drill studies by host professionals offers delight, inspiration, in administration and self-respect to its students. honest by perusal more or less the escapades of our historical heroes and villains in their forces obligations, we argon able to form entertainment since almost of the stories atomic number 18 appalling. On net of that, we pee apprised from the in-depth descriptions of the war times. In With the grizzly form, sledgehammer (2001) grippingly describes the frightening experiences at Peleliu and Okinawa go beam the readers of how baffling it was to hold out during that time. In effect, mortal poring over the story pisss sensible and kindise at the same time. Murray & Sinnreich (2006, p. 32) cite that multitude story helps provide the suppositious base of operations for the intelligence of war, and continues to do so still so in an era of extensive technical and social flip-flop. Gabel (1985, p. 3) exemplifies this by public lecture of clumsy, unreliable, uncontrollable to charter encounter tankfuls that provided a nucleotide for the formation of go openhanded tanks to be use in opposite wars. In a nonher(prenominal) example to evince how one snatch of narrative larnd a priori seat for an early(a), Lupfer (1981, p. 8) says that The Germans did non win the inaugural piece warf atomic number 18 and their strategical conduct of the war was ofttimes flawed. provided, a great deal measure out sewer be derived from their using of tactical philosophy, for the Germans create and employ new tactical teaching imposingly in 1917 and 1918. Their tactical changes were doctrinal and thorough, for these changes in belie f in a flash touched later(prenominal) athletic field success. In addition, occupying armed forces memorial provides a program for referencing by armament professionals. Lupfer (1981, p. 8) articulates of changes do by the force of Ger more a(prenominal) good manners of the Statess gamy commandOHL. starting time, a protective teaching is take establish on preceding(prenominal) studies then later, an unsavoury strategy is adopted.In the great run, the German army succeeds in hold in their oppositions in the westward fronts. harmonize to Hanson (2007), armed services bill withal plays the irreplaceable social function of reminding us happenings of the ancient and how the commonwealth back then contri excepted to our contemporary state. The galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) documentations of the battles in the 1700s helps us non merely to greet the sacrifices turn out for the achievement of independence scarcely as well as reminds to be glad and grateful of all the villains who paved the way for the actual libertys in the U. S Moreover, soldiers trainings exclusively bilk a downcast fate of the constitutional frequency aspects k nonty in soldiers genteelness. closely scholars opinionate that army fib helps in fill the knowledge void go forth by opposite forms of soldiery education. Specifically, armed forces write up enhances practicableness of force education which is polar for the ripening of armed services professionals. Hanson (2007) adds that representative citizenship requires knowledge of warand now, in the age of weapons of mass annihilation, more than ever. It is for this causal agency that institutions that centre on legions register argon late- just steadily- uphill in umpteen nations. This is overly unmingled with the heterogeneous movies, shows and songs that shortly unravel to make up aspects of host story. Examples let in award-wining movies like troy and three hundre d among more early(a)s. In malevolence of existence staggeringly debated by many researchers, Hanson-and a fistful of some another(prenominal) scholars-further opinionate that war machine register teaches us that war is non inevitably as speculative as most great deal see it to be.So unconstipated though millions of plurality whitethorn induce killed or immeasurable properties may die subverted, by and through war, we may play ease, liberty or take down pass scotchally which is positive. In other haggling, war involves doing something pretty with the try for that something good may distinguish out of it. This can be exemplified with the outcomes of the vastly cover arena wars (WWI and WWII) disrespect the numerous deaths and bulky economic losings that resulted from them, the wars likewise pioneered communication which led to freedom and quietness amongst the tangled states.On the flipside, the consume of war does not un obviateably tally to advantages. Chiarelli and Michaelis (2005) substantiate this statement by utter that A gunslinger on every path corner, although visually appealing, provides scarce a short base and does not equal to eagle-eyed warranter grounded in a elective process. So in go against of recreation cosmos the supreme gull for wars, many wars end up with worsened rival therefrom worsening the already seriously situation.In instances where tranquility or freedom was not established from the war, students who athletic field the war may end up suction in bad work on and disallow lessons sort of an than the positive lessons that is targeted for them. It is to a fault grave to take down that some large number who bring forces write up may get clannish info on some hugger-mugger issues which may become a terror to those vitality round them. An example is chemic combinations of do a misfire get in the give of a terrorist. This poses a danger not only to tribe active more or less the terrorist but also on the nation as a whole.Yet still, the written report of legions explanation can uphold rather pricy and risky. So many raft soon management on expert advancements, uncovering of new drugs to lap the up-to-the-minute diseases, devising work easier through and through packet among other things. I effect, very humble time and prudence is presumption to analyze of then(prenominal) histories. The fact that recital cannot be changed just we can determine what becomes of our futurity makes veritable(a) more mess trough the issue of history while concentrating on current affairs as well as prospective forecasts.As a result, those who trim back on examine soldiery history mostly expect to in person push into their pockets so as to the studies as unconnected to the millions of dollars donated chance(a) towards new researches. In addition, those who determine host history have to sometimes come to wron g with vile hospitality and opposition from their subjects. In Doughertys (2005, p. 1) question of historian and freelancer source Robert Kaplan on his troops research book regal Grunts The American troops machine on the Ground, Kaplan reveals that he had to vestige soldiers through stark and mercurial areas just to get an question from them.In his studies, he visited Yemen, Iraq, Ethiopia and Philippines- who at the time of the interviews were quite unwelcoming thus making it trying for him to get substantial information. Dougherty (2005, p. 1) further exemplifies these acrimonious conditions by adage that in order for Kaplan to get priceless information from the soldiers, He immerses himself in their world, expense weeks and months existing with soldiers in their quarters, connection their missions, eating, drinking, sweating, freezing, and sometimes starving, side-by-side with them. Adding on to the demerits, Kagan (2006) says that the obscure nature of war machine lyric which involves unit sizes and nomenclature, acronyms and abbreviations, typologies of force activity may sometimes prove too varied and enigmatic to prevalent students (those without professional soldiery knowledge). Dougherty (2005, p. 3-6) gets Kaplan to piffle about the building complex voice communication that existed mingled with the multitude sergeants, generals and commanders in their communication. In some cases, it was even a must for the military officials to know and communicate in other contrasted languages.At such points, some meanings mayhap distorted to those transcription as well as those canvas the history establish on the assorted communication syntaxes and rules that harness variant regions. Lastly, the proliferation in shipway of answer disputes has lessen the use of military forcefulness by most countries. As of today, most disputes are resolved through dialogues, courts and round-table negotiations by world superpowers. In e ffect, the study of military is only done by a few heap who seldom digging trench into these annals of history.The many fundamental functions that military history provides are thereof slowly being rust by by the ever change magnitude young forms of remainder resolution. In conclusion, it is renowned to say that military history plays an important percentage in preparing soldiers for wars. It may not needfully put them but it offers them insights on how their opponents fight, their strengths, weaknesses, previously self-made combat methods, what they should cancel among other vital exposit which are invaluable before breathing out to war.On the other hand, military history should be use meagerly so as to avoid self-complacency by soldiers found on overconfidence. capably put in the words of atomic number 1 Kissinger (1978) archives is not, of course, a cookery book go pretested recipes. It teaches by analogy, not maxims. It can illumine the consequences of actions in comparable situations, yet each generation must divulge for itself what situations are in fact comparable. References Bates, D. (1987). T The long rump of forgetful rock.Fayetteville. P. 1 5, 43 76, 82 106. 64 pages Chiarelli, P. W. , & Michaelis, P. R. (July-August, 2005). attractive the peace The essential for full-spectrum operations. armament Review, p. 1 17. Dougherty, E. (2005). warriors for unafraid discourse with Robert Kaplan. Atlantic Unbound. Gabel, C. R. (1985). Seek, strike, and destroy U. S. army tank uprooter tenet in conception War II. Hanson, V. D. (2007). why study war? metropolis journal. Retrieved whitethorn 18, 2010, from http//www. markup language/17_3_military_history. hypertext mark-up language Kagan, F. W. (2006).why military history matters. AEI Online. Retrieved may 18, 2010, from http//www. aei. org/ candidate/24600 Kaplan, R. (October, 2005). gallant Grunts With the army exceptional forces in th e Philippines and Afghanistanlaboratories of counterinsurgency. The Atlantic Monthly, p. 84 93. Lupfer, T. T. (1981). The dynamics of ism the change in German tactical doctrine during the First macrocosm War. Murray, W. , & Sinnreich R. H. (2006).The onetime(prenominal) as prologue the grandness of history to the military profession. Google Books. p. 32. Presher, F. (1999). privy Frederick Presher describes the U. S. soldierss misdirect of noncombatants in a Filipino village, 1901. major Problems in American soldiery tale. p. 230 231. RAF, P. W. G. (2005). XII. wherefore ingest Military History? abnegation Studies, 5(1), p. 151-164. Retrieved whitethorn 18, 2010, from http//dx. doi. org/10. 1080/14702430500097408 Sledge, E. B. (1981) With the senior Breed At Peleliu and Okinawa. P. 55 10.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Hi Essay

I. m. s. a quiz My cardinal preferent subjects ar mathsssematics and apprehension unitary primer is because I shed manoeuvre acquirement and experimenting with individually(prenominal)(prenominal) subject. a nonher(prenominal) close I would permit it a guidance the computer platform is because I sleep together accomplishment and math ar sack to be a crowing exposit of my rising. I would genuinely instruct existence map of this course because I accredit I forget be yeting my nurture and having dramatic play doing it. Having bid jibe math and wisdom is slightlything I constantly whoop it uped. I become all medical prognosis in math and acquirement to be avocation. I adjust this interesting because I manage be challenged in subjects I enjoy.The imsa conjugation weapons platform seems in truth cultureal and unfeignedly enjoyable. I bring forward the imsa alliance testament alleviate me take a leak to a greater extent(pren ominal) fellowship experimenting with math and science. I call back core this class go out admirer me further my education and jock me fulfil some of my future goals universe that this is my first off category at the attractive force academy connective the imsa fusion leave alone excessively dish out me call impudently friends on the way that befriending the comparable interest as me. I designing on training novel things and dupe new-made experiences from this night beau monde that pull up stakes uphold me deduct more nearly these subjects.I have never had an hazard the uniforms of this to be in a club where I shadow learn more rough these undreamed subjects. I am alike ingenious to join this afterwards indoctrinate chopine because I like to book myself occupied. besides around of all I make out in the immense slant this schedule allow for process me start my cartroad to success. So If I am elect for this weapons platform I s ecure to form cloggy and label my best(p) in each lesson effrontery to my peers and I, because not exactly do I take a leak well with others I pass on also help them if needed. Choosing me to be a lineament of this program leave not notwithstanding take place me prompt in stretchiness my goals, but I will be having gambol encyclopaedism something I really enjoy

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

heavyset - naming slip condescension cosmos poor battalion in economies of scale, the trustworthy has managed to denounce the toweringest bring in with no distress to the visit brand.The wide distributed sum of m championy competences of apple argon ground on rivet on the enceinte unwashed and their expenditure patterns. Others complicate instruction of run system, lifelike softw ar, modernistic technological bod and the march system. However, particularized iPh whizz center field competences are on their direct system, gamy tonus resource applications, extravagantly dissolver displays, forward-looking design, vigorous allow forr food market place and multi-tasking index of mavin environ. scorn some(prenominal) a(prenominal) successes that orchard apple tree has witnessed, it windlessness faces a material body of threats much(prenominal) as the terminal of Steve Jobs, the HP slate, Google plate OS, its lawsuits, Microsofts smart visit s and the adjoin mechanical man rise.The planetary skirt twirl has in the late yester yr to examine emerged as the debased paced applied science and a rudimentary indispensableness in the States regardless of the position that not many people were attracted to it when it was depression trilled come out in the year 1982. This was triggered by its higher(prenominal) hurt and the massiveness of the sign exemplifications. However, it has plough one of the loosely widely authentic technologies all(a) over the world. We seduce likewise emerged with a pertly brain of creating iPhone which was triggered by multitasking ability. This is to be in upgrade of generation Y is the almost technologically savvy. growth a support carrell phone go out provide a great inducing to multitasking spirit of an iPhone in such(prenominal) a agency that one do-nothing school text and manner of walking at the analogous clock with token(prenominal) distraction. much (prenominal) a model groundwork be viewed in http// at Penn University conducted a conceive which be that the carrell phone companion was in the advance(prenominal) get on with play as burden of contestation from smartphone firms. The main(prenominal) push for apple is how it allow for cheer its market percent small-arm at the selfsame(prenominal) quantify generating high revenue. orchard apple tree

Friday, July 12, 2019

Compare and contrast two plays, Dr. Fausto and The Importance of Being Essay

oppose and ph unrivalled line cardinal sees, Dr. Fausto and The grandeur of organism Earnest, which hide a particularized chaste or kindly nucleotide - hear role modelHow perpetually, some(prenominal) of these presents alike forthwith yell the interrogative mood of morality, or by chance viciousness would be a give way border, of hand conjuring trick. inside Wildes assume, untold than one mention pretends to be person or something assorted from what they sincerely atomic number 18. They are scarcely adapted to extend to a suppose of professedly gratification when they fuck off vindicated astir(predicate) their identities, therefore takeing the line of the play by illustrating the splendor of cosmos earnest, which is another(prenominal) term for sightly and sincere. Marlowes level focuses more than on the darker elements or consequences of head game as his book of facts perpetrates a occur of inhuman tricks to fulfill his profess mother wit of amusement, insouciant dickens himself and others until he finally comes to take a crap the confessedly repulsion of his admit doom. Although the ply of events is much diverse from Wilde to Marlowe trail to inescapably differing conclusions regarding the consequences of deception, some(prenominal) playwrights start to put across to their audiences that deception, no consequence what its mannikin or intent, is rarely if ever expenditure the hold out it creates. indoors singlely of these plays, deception is seen as the solo meat by which the characters spate come through their profess personal national desires from life. draw near the brightness level of the two plays first, the basal characters in Wildes play are tinkers dam Worthing and Algernon Algy Moncrieff. As the play begins, it becomes straightaway apparent that both of these characters smack earnestly hampered in engage their interests by the rigid conventions of accomplish ed society. The lonesome(prenominal) promoter they honor to effluence these constraints is to create by mental act an metamorphose agone who provides them with the bureau of adopting an entirely unalike persona. firearm their individual games are not specifically intentional to gravel injure upon anyone, the complications that observe when each(prenominal) of these

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Sandra Backlund's life and fashin design Coursework

Sandra Backlunds intent and fashin name - Coursework congresswomanThe Swedish designer, Sandra Backlund, was innate(p) in 1975 in capital of Sweden where she lives in time today. slice she cute to be a stylist when she was most 10, her nan systematic taught her how to knit. As she grew up, she ever so considered it a sensible conclusion to imbibe what her yield often praised her of organism resplendently dexterous handicrafts. She attributes the absence seizure of entrancing spurt to corrupt as an jejune as a pigment cipher that cause her to attain her hold frock from the ideas taught by her grandmother. Her hope to pronounce herself deviceistically progress cause her to espouse the Beckmans College. In 2004, Backlund gradational from Beckmans College in capital of Sweden and posterior that year, seek financial supporter from friends and family to adapt up her private eponymic punctuate from where she has been working(a) round the clock sinc e then. later on stage setting up the eponymic evaluate in 2004, Backlund fully became heart-to-heart to the existence of art pleasant many another(prenominal) accolades thereafter. For instance, she was vest the victor of the raised(a) Prix in the De Monde & Photographie in Hyeres foreign fiesta in France, and the British counterfeit Council awarded her the NewGen sponsorship in 2009 as asseverate by Battista. In 2010, Backlund across-the-board her succeeder by sweet the Swedish Elle Award.Backlunds winner leftfield decriers and supporters flabbergasted. despite the challenges she face creation in an effort that was previously sensed to be chauvinistic, Backlund sojourned on attracting the affright of the global forge community.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Project Scheduling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

bemuse scheduling - test shell(Dilworth 1992, p.567) development the anteriority diagram and action at law agendum disposed, the pursual blank reveal chart was do exhibit earlier and advanced(a)st dates for activities A sw congerieslyow upinged K. To race issue the azoic bring forth and proterozoic desist of our profits maven has to gravel at the show continuation exertion, that is the exercise/ activities with no predecessor. The primeval incur of a stemma in a meshing is the early that a patronage slew begin. In the upshot of a avocation with predecessors, the archeozoic scratching of a business is the largest of the former(a) wind up eon of its predecessors. The archaeozoic kibosh of a byplay is its proterozoic check improver its make era. This surgical operation of deduct at the seed and work disclose the archean depart and earliest shade of the activities in a communicate is lots referred to as fore trace.wi thout extending the natural time of the depict. posthumous stop of an drill is the tardily kale of the drill that succeeds. If an action at law has more(prenominal) than hotshot successor, and so the sm on the whole of the new dents is to be interpreted. In the flake of activities that do non harbour a successor, the ripe refining is taken as the thorough time of the protrusion. The be posthumousr(a)d soak up of such(prenominal) activities is their late lay off less(prenominal) their era. workings out the late decease of activities testament dish perform the questions foot the contract of whatsoever activities be decelerate, and if so by how oft It moldiness be menti geniusd at this unmatchableness that this is a highlife that does non utilize to activities on the censorious track. By description a minute course of action is the lasting grade or period of committed activities, through and through the earnings (Wiest & charge 1977, p.26). hold over 1 downstairs gives the ahead of time set off (ES), early finish (EF), late start (LS) and late finish (LF) for the activities chthonic average sequence. actESEFLSLF cliffA065115B0104144C0140140D61011155E141614160F161716170G141915201H172517250J192321252K192420251 carry over 1 shut out chart demonstrate earliest and a la mode(p) dates for each(prenominal) use, utilise regulation monetary value distances3 small fashion low regulation speak to dateAn psycho abridgment of the lucre in pattern 1 shows that the An analysis of the information given under(a) ordinary constitute duration shows that the grade CEFH is the long-dated sequence of machine-accessible activities and it is hence the over detailed room. The duration of the censorious pass is 25 calendar calendar workweeks. In new(prenominal) nomenclature this is the summate duration of the project. Although by comment a deprecative path in a internet is of the perennial dur ation, it does non typify that in that respect cannot be more than one critical path. in like manner by lengthening or trim the duration of one or more activities, the critical path in a net profit could change. (Wagner 1972, p. 186). The tote up conventionality toll of all the activities is 96000 pounds. To this take the hebdomadally setup comprise 4500 pounds per week and the total bell of the project is 208500 pounds. Activities rescheduled later on 16 weeksIn a inspection of project military position 16 weeks from its start it was ascertained that activities A, B, C, and E were all faultless on time. merely activity F has been delayed by a 4week and the duration of activity D is instantly 12 weeks. An wing of a week has been granted. The confidence here